My One Word for 2024
Yup, I am holding on to reconcile for another year. It just doesn't feel like it is done with me yet. It's funny because I thought I would spend my year paying attention to how my reconciling force, my identity as a mystic, would shift things in my life. That wasn't the type of reconciliation that showed up. It was circumstances that shifted around me and changed the way that I was perceived and valued. It was funny to experience because I'm so conditioned to believe that I need to change something about myself in order to make a situation right. This past year I didn't really have to change anything about myself. Instead, it felt like obstructions were moving out of the way. It felt like my light had room to shine. I had air to breathe. I had space to play. I was being reconciled because other things were shifting in their positions. I need another year to watch that movement continue.
As I've been settling into my call as interim pastor, I've been beginning to see that my congregation could use some reconciliation of their own. I'm not entirely sure what that is going to look like yet so I'm going to hold on to this one word for another year. I have more to learn.