Me; Writer-in-Residence

At the beginning of 2022, I began my term as a Writer-in-Residence at Fidelia Magazine, which is the online publication of Young Clergy Women International, a supportive and nurturing community of clergy women under the age of 40. I am very much looking forward to sharing my ideas, insights, and hard-earned wisdom, particularly with my fellow clergy women. I will be writing 8-10 articles a year. My plan is to post a preview of my articles here and link it to the full piece at Fidelia. I still plan to write specifically for this blog. Posts here will be more eclectic: ideas that I'm still working out, shorter pieces to encourage moments of reflection, sermons that I'm proud of, books that I'm reading that are no longer current, but I still find impactful, and the like.

Whether you catch my writing here or at Fidelia or both, thank you for including me in your day and your spiritual practice.   

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