Imagine a Faith Discipled by Mary Magdalene

Diana Butler Bass recently gave the closing sermon at the Wild Goose Festival. Over the course of her sermon she explored some recent research into the muddy scriptural record around the persons of Mary of Bethany and Martha of Bethany in John 11, and Mary Magdalene.

The funny thing is that I actually stumbled across this research three years ago, thought "wow, wouldn't that be something," shared the article in a colleague group for young women clergy, and went about my life.

Now it has shown up in my life again, and it has been garnering more attention. I wanted to secure the links here so that I could return to them easily, and so that I could share them you.

I started this blog with the aim of showing what an emergent Christian faith looks like. To me a nourishing faith is one that is curious and adaptive and humble. I like to imagine an emergent faith as one that is always asking, "Where is my Lord?" No matter what this research amounts to in the end, if it ends up being a small point of interest or a large footnote or even a change to the New Testament standard, it is a place for me to take a closer look at God. Where I draw God in close, am drawn in close to God, and ask, "Is it you? Are you here?"

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