The Heroine's Journey; Part Two - Identification with the Masculine and Gathering of Allies

The Heroine's Journey;

Part Two - Identification with the Masculine and Gathering of Allies

The Heroine has shifted away from their feminine self and is now intent on constructing an identity informed by the external “other.” This is most often accomplished by aligning themselves with a father figure and/or by stepping into a traditionally masculine role.  Once the Heroine has been established with the mentor or is in the place that will cultivate them, they either gear “up to ‘fight’ an organization/role/group that is limiting [their] life options, or [enter] some masculine/dominant-identity defined sphere” through study, training, making friends, and building alliances.

Personal Story

While attending an arts high school for creative writing my junior year, I received my call to ministry when God hounded me with daydreams about giving sermons and leading Bible studies. So I turned away from my fiction writing and instead committed myself to traveling the long path that would lead me to ordained ministry, a domain of predominantly masculine authority.

Click here to read the rest of the article at Fidelia Magazine, a digital publication of Young Clergy Women International where I am a Writer-in-Residence. Click here to read the previous devotional.

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