Famous Last Words Preaching Series, Week 1 of 4

As a writer-in-residence with Fidelia, the online publication of Young Clergy Women International, it is a part of my role to create worship resources as a young clergy woman for the larger church. I'm proud to share with you this quirky idea I had for a preaching series that explores endings by diving into some of the texts that close the books of the Bible. I’ve had many opportunities to give sermons on the openings of the books of the Bible. They are fun sermons to write because you get to dig into the particularities of genre or historical context or even artistic perspective. I realized that I had not had as many opportunities to preach on the texts that bring scripture to a close. I wondered about the ways that books are ended and what that might have to teach us about discipleship. This preaching series dives into the endings of four books: John, 2 Corinthians, Hosea, and Revelation. What better time to explore endings, completions, and closures in scripture and faith than the end of the liturgical year, the month spanning Reformation Sunday to Christ the King Sunday? From the creators of this preaching series, we pray that it would be a breath of fresh air for you and your worshiping community.

There are resources for four weeks of preaching starting with Reformation Sunday and ending, of course, on Christ the King Sunday. Here is the first guide, and I'll share the other guides as they are published.

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