Famous Last Words Preaching Series, Week 2 and 3 of 4

Week 2 - 2 Corinthians and All Saints Sunday

For All Saints’ Sunday, we chose this ending from 2 Corinthians because even though Paul had a difficult relationship with the worshipping community at Corinth, he did not cut them out, but left the door open for reconciliation. Sometimes All Saints’ Day brings up feelings of loss and reminders of broken relationships for people. In this post-Covid world many people did not get to say their farewells in familiar, traditional ways. This scripture can point out to us that with God’s love we can mend our relationships.

Week 3 - Hosea

This week, we turn our attention to the book of Hosea, a resilient prophet who has spent his life enacting the relationship between God and God’s people. After harsh language and deep judgment, the book’s final words remind readers of the hope and love that are everlasting in the relationship between God and God’s people.

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