The Heroine's Journey, Part Five - The Heroine Awakens to Feelings of Spiritual Aridity

The Heroine’s Journey;

Part Five - The Heroine Awakens to Feelings of Spiritual Aridity 

The Heroine admits to themselves that the pursuit or maintenance of success or security as defined by the external other is unsustainable. The success that has been pursued doesn’t seem as worthy as it once did. The Heroine admits that they have sacrificed sacred parts of themselves to secure their role or position, perhaps too much. They can sense that continued health or growth is unlikely in their current situation, but they can’t yet identify a way out or a way through.

Personal Story 

At the beginning of 2019, I felt ready to start looking for a new call. I had learned so much in my four years of ministry on campus. I felt ready for a new setting where I could continue to grow. I was prepared to not let past setbacks get under my skin. So what if it had taken me over three years to land a first call? I was different now. I had proven myself.

Click here to read the rest of the article at Fidelia Magazine, a digital publication of Young Clergy Women International where I am a Writer-in-Residence. Click here to read the previous devotionals.

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