The Heroine's Journey, Part Six - Initiation Crisis and Descent to the Goddess

The Heroine’s Journey, Part Six - Initiation Crisis and Descent to the Goddess

Some kind of crisis arrives in the Heroine’s life. The skills, strategies, and resources that the Heroine has accumulated throughout their life to this point are insufficient to meet the crisis. The Heroine is forced to travel light so they unmake themselves. They leave behind old knowledge, old ways of doing things, old ways of identifying themselves as they journey further into their disorientation. In the midst of their turmoil, the Heroine meets the feminine elder that they only caught a glimpse of during the Boon of Success.

Personal Story 

If you’ve been following along, I’m sure you know what is coming next. Covid-19. My kids were sent home from school, and I became the primary manager of all things newly domestic. Inversely, my campus ministry dissipated. My preaching and teaching engagements were canceled. I lost my childcare. I was stripped of the support of friends and family, even friendly neighbors, acquaintances, or colleagues who had been zoomed out of my life. I canceled my gym membership. The family vacation that I had been planning and anticipating for two years was also canceled.

Click here to read the rest of the article at Fidelia Magazine, a digital publication of Young Clergy Women International where I am a Writer-in-Residence. Click here to read the previous devotionals.

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