The Heroine's Journey, Part Eight - Heroine Heals the Mother/Daughter Split

The Heroine’s Journey, Part Eight - Heroine Heals the Mother/Daughter Split

In this eighth step, the Heroine fully integrates the feminine aspects of themselves that were abandoned in childhood within the mature adult person that they are now. The Heroine reclaims the sanctity of their body, wisdom, creativity, intuition, and passion. They are delighted to see that these aspects of themselves have not remained childish, but have grown alongside them, in the dark. They establish a place for themselves within some lineage of feminine elders.

Personal Story

I started writing again. I had loved to write as a child but, as I grew older, writing seemed less practical. I thought that I would get to do plenty of writing as a pastor anyway, and it would be enough. I let my writing practice go, especially my writing for fun, for play.

Click here to read the rest of the article at Fidelia Magazine, a digital publication of Young Clergy Women International where I am a Writer-in-Residence. Click here to read the previous devotionals.

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