The Heroine's Journey, Part Nine - Healing the Wounded Masculine

The Heroine's Journey, Part Nine - Healing the Wounded Masculine

A subsequent crisis or conflict emerges out of the crisis introduced in step six. To rise to meet this conflict, the Heroine makes peace with the masculine other within themself and the skills, strategies, and authority they learned in steps two and three. They renegotiate how to welcome it into their life without being overwhelmed. The Heroine renews their drive to bring their passions into fruition and assert their expertise, authority, and wisdom.

Personal Story
I believe this is where I am in my journey currently. My intuition tells me that this season of my life will take years to pass through, just as it took years to pass through the seasons introduced in steps two, three, and four. I can’t share what the whole scope of this season looks like in my life because I haven’t reached a resolution here, but I can share with you what sort of experiences I’m seeking out.

Click here to read the rest of the article at Fidelia Magazine, a digital publication of Young Clergy Women International where I am a Writer-in-Residence. Click here to read the previous devotionals.

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